Oh my gosh hey everyone!! It's been so long since I last posted! I finished my first semester of college with all high Bs and As! I'm so happy! I haven't really been able to post because pictures take forever to upload back home, but now I am back at college where the internet is speedy!
Did you guys have a good Christmas? I had a great time spending time with family and friends, and making and eating a ton of yummy treats! We made a lot of treats to share with the neighbors and just ourselves! Haha!
Some foodie Christmas gifts I received were some cupcake ornaments, a cupcake calender, a recipe organizer, a iced coffee cup, candy, and I also got an amazing Dooney and Bourke purse with different colored Mickey Mouses on it! I love you mom and dad, thank you so much! < 3
On Christmas we had french toast casserole for dinner, lasagna and garlic bread for dinner, and chocolate cheesecake for dessert! Amazing! : )
So now here are all the treats we made!

Sugar Cookies!

Different Holiday themed Rice Crispy Treats!

Frosted Flake Wreaths!

Reindeer Cookies!

Mint Brownies!

Peppermint Rice Crispy Treats!

Chocolate Covered Pretzels!

Plates of treats for the neighbors!

My friend M licking up the Marshmallow goo! x0

Yay for baking!!
I love the holidays, and break but it's so good to be back and running the blog! I have many more updates to do!
Love you All!
Lizzie! : )