Thursday, April 29, 2010

Cinnamon rolls and pies!

Hollla! : )

Well tonight my mum finally gave in and decided to make a chicken pizza! My friends and I have been making them a lot the last few months, and my mom always thought they sounded good so tonight she looked up how to make one and we created an almost masterpiece! It was a little burnt at the bottom, but the top was cheesy, and just right!

After dinner I went over to my friends house and we made cinnamon rolls, apple pie, and cheesecake pie with a chocolate and honey graham cracker crust! Yummy! We never really follow the recipes, but we have a good time creating our...creations! x0

Now it's time to read some blogs and then get ready for bed. TGIF!! ^_^




  1. Hi!
    Just came accross your blog!

    I love cinnamon rolls, but never made them at home, it's too much work: waiting, kneading, waiting, baking...Can't believe you don,t follow the recipe, you must be a good baker!

    I love pizza, expecially Deep dish pizza, with the thick crust and cheesy toppings.

    Have a nice week-end!

  2. Oh wow, I have a reader other than my parents!! I'm so happy!! : )

    Haha yeah it took about an hour, but it was so fun to do!

    I love your blog too, I always want to bake everything you post! Baking is the best. < 3

    Thanks again for the comment, can't wait to read more of your posts! ^_^
